Do blocks

Do blocks allow you to encapsulate statements into smaller chunks of code whose sole purpose is to evaluate to a value.

Do blocks are expressions, and therefore must return a value. This is done using the return keyword.

main :: () {
    x := 10

    y := do {
        if x > 5 do return "X is greater than 5"
        return "X is less than or equal to 5"


Explicit typing

If necessary, you can provide an explicit type to the do block using -> type after the do keyword.

Color :: enum { Red; Green; Blue; }

main :: () {
    col := do -> Color {
        return .Green


Internal details

Do blocks were actually a feature that came for "free" when macro were implemented. Every expression macro simply turns into a do block at the call site.

add :: macro (x, y: i32) -> i32 {
    return x + y

main :: () {
    x1 := add(3, 4)

    // The above simply desugars into this:
    x2 := do -> i32 {
        return 3 + 4