
if statements allow the programmer to optionally execute a block of code, if a condition is met.

if-statements in Onyx are written like this:

if condition {
	println("The condition was true!");

Notice that there does not need to be parentheses around the condition. One thing to note is that the syntax for an else-if chain uses the keyword elseif, not else if.

if x >= 100 {
	println("x is greater than 100");
} elseif x >= 10 {
	println("x is greater than 10");
} else {
	println("x is not special.");


if-statements can also have an initializer, which is a statement that appears before the condition. They allow you to declare variables that are only available in the scope of the if-statement, or any of the else blocks.

can_error :: () -> (i32, bool) ---

if value, errored := can_error(); !errored {
	printf("The value was {}!\n", value);

// value is not visible here.