
There are 3 ways of expressing a block of code in Onyx, depending on the number of statements in the block.

Multi-statement Blocks

The first way is to use curly-braces ({}) to surround the statements in the block, with statements being delimited by a semi-colon.

	// ...

Single-statement Blocks

The second way is to use place the do keyword before the statement to create a single-statement block. This is required in if, while, and for statements. You can of course write { stmt; } instead of do stmt; if you prefer.

do stmt;

// More commonly
if some_condition do some_stmt;

Zero-statement Blocks

The third and final way is a little redundant, but its in the language because it can be appealing to some people. When there needs to be a block, but no statements are needed, three dashes, ---, can be used as an equivalent to {}.

if condition ---

switch value {
	case 1 ---
	// ...