
#doc is used to provide doc-strings to bindings. They can appear before most "things" in the language, like structures, unions, procedures, enums, etc.

To use them, simply write #doc followed by a compile-time string.

#doc "This is the documentation for the 'procedure_a'."
procedure_a :: () {
	// ...

#doc """
	This multi-line string literal is the documentation
	for procedure_b.
procedure_b :: () {
	// ...

Note that you can only have one #doc directive per binding.

These doc-strings are included in the generated .odoc file when compiled with the --doc flag. This binary file is used by onyx-doc-gen to generate HTML documentation for the current compilation. This file can also be easily deserialized into a structure you can work with in Onyx like so.

use core.encoding.osad
use core.doc
use core.os

contents := os.get_contents("documentation.odoc");
docs     := osad.deserialize(doc.Doc, contents)->unwrap();

// See core/doc/doc.onyx for the what is inside of `docs`