
The #foreign directive is used to tell the compiler that a function is defined outside of this program. Because Onyx compiles to WebAssembly, this means that the function will be added to the import section of the WASM module. You can read more about what that means here.

The #foreign directive can appear in two different places, depending on which is more convenient.

The first position it can appear in is directly after the return type of a function. In this position, it must be followed by two compile-time known strings that are the module and import name. This terminology is inherited from the WebAssembly specification.

external_procedure :: (arg1: i32, arg2: i32) -> i32 #foreign "host" "add" ---

In this example, host is the module name, and add is the import name.

Foreign blocks

The other position #foreign can appear in is foreign-blocks. In this form, you can declare many foreign procedures at once, so long as they all have the same module name, and their import name matches the name in Onyx that is given to them.

#foreign "host" {
	add :: (arg1: i32, arg2: i32) -> i32 ---
	sub :: (arg1: i32, arg2: i32) -> i32 ---
	mul :: (arg1: i32, arg2: i32) -> i32 ---

In this example, add, sub, and mul are all foreign procedures with the module name host. They have the import names add, sub, and mul respectively.

We can validate this using the wasm-objdump tool from the WebAssembly Binary Toolkit. We also have to compile in a special way to not clutter the output with the imports that come from the standard library.

$ onyx build -r custom -o example.wasm example.onyx core/runtime/default_link_options.onyx
$ wasm-objdump -x -j import example.wasm

example.wasm:	file format wasm 0x1

Section Details:

 - func[0] sig=0 <host.add> <- host.add
 - func[1] sig=0 <host.sub> <- host.sub
 - func[2] sig=0 <host.mul> <- host.mul

When using Onyx from the command line with onyx run, or when running with the WASI backend, these foreign functions will be resolved for you. However, when using JavaScript as your runtime, you will need to provide definitions for each imported procedure. See this MDN article for more details.