
Declaring variables in Onyx is very similar to declaring variables in many other modern programming languages. A single colon (:) is used to declare a variable, optionally followed by its type and/or the initial value for the variable.

<variable name>(, <variable name>)* : <declared type> = <initial value> ;

Inferred Types

If the type of the initial value can be determined, then the declared type of the variable is optional, and it will be infered from the type of the initial value.


Here we declare a variable called x of type i32. It is guaranteed that x will be initialized to 0 here.

x: i32;

Here we declare a variable y explicitly as type i32, with an initial value of 10.

y: i32 = 10;

Here we declare a variable z with an infered type. Since, the declared type was omitted, it will copy the type of the initial value. When not the presence of other type information, the literal 10 has type i32, so z will be of type i32.

z := 10;