
Procedures allow the programmer to encapsulate behavior inside a reusable form. Other languages call them functions, subroutines or methods. "Procedures" is a super-set of all of those terms.


Procedures in Onyx are written simply as: (parameters) -> return_type { body }.

Here is a simple procedures that simply prints, Hello!.

say_hello :: () -> void {

To explain the different parts of the syntax, here is a broken down version, line by line.

say_hello     // This is the symbol name that the procedure will be bound to.
    ::        // This is 'bind' operator, as discussed in Chapter 2.5.
    ()        // This is the start of the procedure; an empty list of parameters.
    -> void   // This is the return type, specified using a `->`.
    // This is the procedure's body.

Anonymous Procedures

Procedures do not have to be named, and can simply exist as expressions. Here, say_hello is assigned at runtime to be an anonymous procedure.

procedure_as_an_expression :: () -> void {

    // Assign the procedure to a local variable
    say_hello := () -> void {


Optional Return Type

If the procedure returns void (i.e. returns nothing), the return type can be completely removed.

say_hello :: () {
    println("Hello, no void!");