Variadic procedures

Variadic procedures allow a procedure to take an arbitrary number of arguments. This function takes any number of integers and returns their sum. The ..i32 type behaves exactly like a slice of i32 ([] i32).

sum :: (ints: ..i32) -> i32 {
    result := 0;
    for ints {
        result += it;

    return result;

println(sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

Variadic procedures can also use the special type any, to represent heterogeneous values being passed to the function. This function prints the type of each of the values given.

print_types :: (arr: ..any) {
    for arr {

print_types("Hello", 123, print_types);

This example outputs:

[] u8
(..any) -> void

Note, read more about any in the Any section.

Using Runtime Type Information, functions can introspect the values given and perform arbitrary operations. For example, conv.format uses type information to print anything of any type in the program.

// printf uses conv.format for formatting.
printf("{} {} {}\n", "Hello", 123, context);