
Procedures can take 0 or more parameters. All parameters are passed by value. Parameters that are passed by pointer copy the pointer value, not the data where the pointer is pointing.


Procedure paramaters are given a name, followed by a :, followed by the type of that parameter. A comma (,) is used to delimit the different parameters.

print_add :: (x: i32, y: i32) {
    printf("{} + {} = {}\n", x, y, x + y);

compute_add :: (out: &i32, x: i32, y: i32) {
    *out = x + y;

As a convenience, if two or more parameters have the same type, they can be written using the type only once. In this example, because x and y are the same type, the : i32 is not needed after x.

print_add :: (x, y: i32) {
    // ...

Default values

Parameters can have default values. The default value is computed on the caller's side. This mean default values are not part of the procedures type. They are only a conveniences provided by a given procedure.

print_msg_n_times :: (n: i32, msg: str = "Hello, World!") {
    for n do println(msg);


The type of a defaulted parameter can be omitted if the type of the expression is known.

// Because "Hello, World!" is known to be of type 'str',
// the type of msg can be omitted.
print_msg_n_times :: (n: i32, msg := "Hello, World!") {
    for n do println(msg);
