
#persist is used to make static global variable in places that normally would not have static global variables.

You can define a persistent or static variable in a procedure like so.

count :: () -> i32 {
	// Persistent variables are global variables
	// constrained to the current scope.
	#persist counter: i32;

	counter += 1;
	return counter;	

main :: () {
	for 100 {

You can define a persistent variable in a structure body, where it will be accessible using the structure name as a namespace.

Foo :: struct {
	#persist foo_counter: i32;

	name: str;

	make :: () -> Foo {
		Foo.foo_counter += 1;
		return Foo.{ tprintf("Foo #{}\n", Foo.foo_counter) };

main :: () {
	f1 := Foo.make();
	f2 := Foo.make();

	println(f1);  // Foo #1
	println(f2);  // Foo #2
